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Questioning belief systems

Do you have belief systems, but don’t know why you have them? Do you, realize that you may have belief systems, but don’t know why you have them?


For example: Do you feel that if someone has their elbows on the dinner table is disrespectful?

I was taught that as a child. I didn’t think much of it, i just didn’t do it until i was a teenager. Basically, until i was old enough to think for myself and not be reprimanded for it. Now, i think about it. I question it. I ask, “Why is that disrespectful?” And it dawns on me...I don’t know why it’s considered disrespectful. Matter of fact, there’s only a handful of people who I’ve met during my lifetime who held the same belief system. Could it be, that it was never important enough to question it? Are you really, “Your own person” if you don’t? Of course, but it makes good food for thought right?


Can you think of a belief system that you hold, but don’t know why you hold it?


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