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My goal is to adapt and evolve in a way that allows me to succesfully meet all of life's challenges. 

My name is Chad Rogers. I grew up on the east coast of central United States. Recently, I've had to make an incredible sacrifice in order to lead a more succesful life. I moved to Oklahoma in July of 2013. I have found many opportunities to improve the quality of my life here. 

Some may say, that i am a man of integrity. I'll let you be the judge of that. I have met obstacles in my life and i am diligently working to overcome them. I have Struggled through confusing and devastating hardships. I have lived through deaths of loved ones. I have felt the merciless sting of heartache. 

These hardships have lead me directly into the field of psychology. It is my intent to share the knowledge that i have acquired for the betterment of myself and all who are willing to listen. 

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